Chanel - Buy Preloved Authentic Designer Used & Second Hand Bags, Wallets & Accessories.

Buy pre-owned authentic, second hand Chanel bags, purses and accessories at the Nest, safe in the knowledge that everything is 100% authentic, 100% fabulous and always 100% honestly described.

All aspects of condition are photographed clearly and the details provided in the listings but if you require larger photos, (I know if you're viewing on a phone it can be hard to see), just let me know!

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results
An exceptional piece from 2018, this larger sized flap bag has been cared for incredibly well. Superb condition, the Seller has also included a Multi Pocket Felt Liner in the sale. RRP £9,540
So difficult to capture adequately, this piece from 20B is beyond divine! A gently glittery, pearlescent 'Rose Fonce' shade that shifts between, dark pink, purple &'s an incredibly beautiful finish. Complimented by champagne gold hardware.
The larger sized flap bag, this breathtakingly beautiful piece is crafted from a divinely soft & puffy lambskin quilt with gleaming silver hardware. Incredibly now 13years old.... its hard to believe! Current RRP £9,540
Crafted from the most perfect, plaster pink toned, distressed textured & quilt stitched's utterly exquisite in every way!
The classic Chanel WoC crafted from a beautifully soft, Camellia patterned, printed lambskin. A timeless collectable, it can be carried in the hand, as a clutch or on the shoulder for a hands-free day or night.
No introduction needed, this stunning mini flap, (crafted in 2018) is absolutely divine! Precise craftmanship, beautifully tactile lambskin and a classic that reflects all the best of's a piece not to be missed.
Oh my......the Maxi Flap truly is a showstopper! This fabulous icon, born in 2014, is in a nearly new condition! Free* P&P. Current RRP £10,600
A classic, medium sized purse, perfect for when a compact is too small but Continental's too long. Crafted from the most beautiful, subtly sparkly pearlised caviar, it glitters gently in the light with an almost pinkish glow.